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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stopthewarcoalition Twitter: https://twitter.com/STWuk Newsletter - 17th August 2016 Pouring petrol onto fire - 15 years of 'bombing for peace' None of the conflicts in the 'war on terror' that started 15 years ago seem to have an end in sight. In Afghanistan, which was invaded in 2001, the war continues to rage, with the Taliban currently making major advances in Helmand Province. John Sopko, the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, stated in his recent report that 'the US-led intervention in Afghanistan led to large-scale internal displacement'. The report also states that there remain 'at least 948,000 people displaced as a result of conflict and violence', and over 2 million Afghans cannot return to the country because it is too dangerous for them to live there. Western intervention continues to cause the mass exodus of refugees into other parts of the region and into Europe. The Western bombardment of Libya, Iraq and Syria has been equally savage, futile and destructive, as the recent massacres of civilians have reconfirmed. The war has created immense bitterness against the West. Besides, bombardment campaigns inevitably lead to massive civilian casualties. As many military experts have pointed out and the experience of the ongoing war has shown, fundamentalist guerrilla fighters are located in heavily populated areas so it is inevitable that civilians will get hurt and killed. The UK elite is continuing to cynically disregard these facts in its pursuit of economic and geopolitical interests in the Middle East and in North Africa. These and many other issues will be discussed at the 15 years on: Time to stop the war conference on 8 October. 15 years on: Time to stop the war An international conference Saturday 8th October • 10 - 5pm TUC Congress House 23-28 Great Russell St London, WC1B 3LS The list of speakers includes Malalai Joya, Lindsey German, Tariq Ali, Salma Yaqoob, Brian Eno, Medea Benjamin, Phyllis Bennis, Anas Altikriti, Chris Cole, Andrew Murray, Reg Keys and Mark Serwotka. Sessions include: Chilcot and the next steps for the movement • Armed and dangerous: Foreign policy after the US elections • The Middle East: Endless war? • Will the new Cold War turn hot? • Killing by remote control: Drones and geopolitics • The war on Muslims: Islamophobia and civil liberties Please invite your Facebook contacts to the conference. The ticket prices are £15 standard and £10 concession. Book your place here. International Conference to Support the Yemeni People 20-21 August • 10am London Pullman Hotel 110 Euston Road, London NW1 2AJ Stop the War Coalition is co-sponsoring this conference which is going to discuss the ongoing war in Yemen and the suffering inflicted on the Yemeni population by the intense Saudi bombing of Yemen, which has been going on for over 500 days now. Britain has sold around £3.3 billion worth of arms to the Saudi dictatorship (in contravention of national and international law) since it began bombing Yemen. By providing direct technical and other assistance to the Saudi government in this hideous bombing campaign, Britain has also been among the main creators of the Yemeni refugee crisis. 2.5 million Yemeni people have been displaced by the bombing. There are many reports, including by the UN, of Saudi war crimes committed against the civilian population of Yemen. The British militarist elite is complicit in the savage destruction of yet another Middle Eastern country. To attend this conference please email: [email protected]. One Big No - A Stop the War benefit Friday 7th October • 7.30pm Shaw Theatre, 100-110 Euston Road London, NW1 2AJ Starring: Francesca Martinez • Richard Herring • Stewart Lee • Grace Petrie • Steve Gribbin • Boothby Graffoe • Michael Rosen One Big No marks 15 years of Stop the War with stand-up, poetry and music, showcasing the strength of feeling for an end to Western wars. We are proud of the amazing line-up. Come along and be a part of it. Help us to strengthen the movement for peace and social justice. Ticket prices: Standard £20 I Solidarity £30 I Concession (limited) £15. You can book here. 15 Years of the 'War on Terror' meeting in Liverpool during the Labour Party Conference Monday 26 September • 7pm Friends’ Meeting House 22 School Lane Liverpool L1 3BT Further details tbc. Protest at the Conservative Party conference Demonstration called by the People's Assembly Against Austerity Tories must go - Austerity has failed 2 October • 11:30am, Victoria Square, Birmingham Sign up to the Facebook event, share widely and invite your friends. At a time when the National Health Service is being crippled by enormous cuts and when millions are facing economic hardship, tens of millions of pounds are being spent on foreign wars and the establishment is determined to renew Trident nuclear weapons, at a catastrophic cost of £205 billion. Public resources should be invested in infrastructure and in decent jobs for all. Money should be spent on real human security and the health care and well-being of the population instead of being squandered on war and weapons of mass destruction. This is going to be a massive demonstration at a vital political moment, so make sure to be there. Transport is being arranged from across the country. Check this transport page for details. Join Stop the War Stop the War has no wealthy financial backers. Since our founding in 2001, our campaigns and small office have been funded entirely by our members, supporters and affiliated organisations. We need your support. Please help sustain our educational and campaigning work against the UK government's war policies by becoming a member, by making a donation or by leaving a legacy. • Join Stop the War » • Make a Donation » • Leave a Legacy » Stop the War Coalition | [email protected] | 020 7561 4830 Related: 2015 http://www.newtekjournalismukworld.com/ken-hanly/al-qaeda-group-seizes-huge-weapons-depot-in-yemen 2015 http://www.newtekjournalismukworld.com/barbara-mcpherson/building-yemen-crisis 2015 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/yemen/11496264/Saudi-leads-ten-nation-Sunni-coalition-in-bombing-Yemens-Shia-rebels.html
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