Steven Paul Gibbons was another protester in London Saturday April 16. The BBC may have tried for the most part to operate a news blackout from the protests in London and around the UK but we the people have done their job for them. Steven has shared the following although he is obviously tired after such a day: "Well, just winding down from it all and it was a good day out, with a lot of disparate groups (strong showing for protests about moorings for barges; petitions about austerity; Sparticist anti-EU groups; Marxist-Leninist wing of Communist Party) all marching together in a good-natured way with posters depicting Cameron with a pig, but alluding more to his greed than his (alleged) student hijinks for the most part. It was good to see real passion from Union leaders against what can be described (in scientific terms) "the accepted paradigm of austerity", as well as Junior Doctorsand Student Nurse leaders railing against the monomaniacal thoughtlessness of demonising health workers and running down the Health Service. I stayed to see Tom Robinson sing (which was very affecting, using passion and anger as he sang, and showing how protest songs with depth can evoke much feeling). It was a good day, showing how, when there is enough focus, protest can feel effective. It overcame an initial uncertainty on my part (are groups using this for an agenda? are we marching as one?) and restored in me a feeling that people can set aside some differences and look to achieve specific goals (such as holding the Conservatives to account). It was also nice meeting Green Party members from around the country. I really will try and link up with others on Facebook when I next march. Please feel free to share."
![]() BBC News took its time acknowledging that a huge protest march was taking place in London Saturday and when they reported they down played the size of the march. For the record around 150,000 protested in London alone. Smaller protests took place in other cities with a decent sized protest held in Leeds. Those taking part were marching for #4Demands - health, homes, jobs and education with #CameronMustGo thrown in for good measure. Dorothy Badrick went to the protest march and rally in London, as part of the Corbyn over 50s supporters group, and has kindly said we could share her Facebook page post as she arrived home and we are doing so warts and all as they say: "Ooh er, aaah- just easing the boots off. Reaches for tea, slurp, oh thats better. Just back from the march. It took two and a half hours to meander from Gower Street to Trafalgar Square. I have never been prouder. Wheelchairs, electric wheelchair, making an overnight stay to get to the march. Mobility scooter, from Leeds- (no, he drove down then got the scooter out!), dodgy backs, aching knees and suspect hips. A blind person and someone with half their innards missing: “it’s alright really; I just have to manage the pain". Someone else, out last night taking soup to the protesters against the housing bill. I could cry with pride! The reason it took so long to walk a mile and a half was the press of people. Trafalgar Square packed. Some great banners; I am not colour blind the world is black and white. Dumbledore would be very angry. Austerity is theft. Great speeches from the steel workers, junior doctors because they are very angry. Nurses, teachers, black pride and highlight of the day speech from Labour shadow Chancellor John McDonnell. People from just round the corner, from the south coast and all points north. Train, bus, coach and car. God bless you all. Final quote goes to Rachel: “I don’t post much but I read all the posts. I have never done this before but my son is autistic and they have made his life hell. I just have to do something." Her husband and daughter were with us to. Note to admin of FB page: get Gill Kennard a stylist. Not that she needs one, she is gawjus but the camera people just love her. I am not surprised. I want a picture of her in her wheelchair banging a saucepan with a spoon too!! Thanks to Sue for directing operations. Darlinks, I love you all!! Flings arms to side and knocks over tea!!" Wish we were there! More at: Independent - Anti-austerity protest brings 150,000 to the streets of London to demand David Cameron's resignation More images at - News alert protests in London and the UK Saturday |
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April 2017