![]() Days ago UK Labour party members Karen Meanwell and Joanne Sinton sent an open letter to the party's General Secretary Iain McNicol. Mr McNicol replied promptly and this is what he said: Dear Karen and Joanne Thank you for your ongoing support of the Labour Party. I couldn’t agree more that as a party we must move forward as one. However I reject your claim that there are ‘parties within a party’. Neither Progress, the Fabians, Momentum or Labour First or any other group like that are registered political parties, and we should celebrate the fact that as a party we encompass a broad range of opinions. I also reject your claim that the NEC is not democratic. It is our party’s governing body, and members are elected or appointed from different sections of the party to represent all our members and supporters. Our policies are created through the National Policy Forum, which is an elected body within the party, and agreed at Party Conference – which represents all of us. It is the core of our existence as a party that we come together to represent working people from across the country, representing different views, perspectives and issues. If you look on the back of your membership cards, it says “by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone.” That means we achieve more together rather than as one – and being welcoming to people with different opinions or points of views. Let’s proceed in the spirit of tolerance, solidarity and respect for all members of the Labour Party. With kind regards Iain McNicol General Secretary [The letter "Open letter to Iain McNicol Labour party NEC"]
![]() Friends and comrades, it seems there is another enemy to fight if we are truly going to take back the party for the people. The enemy is the NEC. I have sent a letter to Iain McNicol leader. Stating my concerns I am posting the letter on here, in the hope that you will all be aware that with the NEC election coming up you can encourage your own CLP [Constituency Labour Party] to put forward a candidate that is Pro Jeremy. To Iain McNicol As a member of the Labour Party and having voted Labour since the age of 18, a full 36 years in total, even through the debacle of the Blair years, I sat back and watched a party that my grandparents and parents fought for, be taken apart by a man and his cabinet and made into a pale blue tory party. The party started to dismantle the unions; it turned its back on the working class and the poor. I like many others thought the Labour Party was finished. I watched as the media and his own party members demolished a good man in Ed Miliband. Then Jeremy Corbyn came on the scene; a man of honesty, ideals and principals; unbelievable in a politician I know. A true man of the people. He is prepared to take on the government and win; which he is doing every week; despite the hurdles his own cabinet is putting in his way. I feel hopeful for the first time in years. Although the media in all forms are trying their hardest to discredit him, his shoulders are wide and his resolve is strong. I expected opposition from The Progress part of the party and Labour First as these MP’s are careerist and want a job for life without having to work too hard on behalf of the people who voted them in with the added bonus of totally discounting the opinions of their constituents, {ergo the vote on Syria}. They then had the audacity of calling foul when those said constituents tackled them about it; bleating to the press that they are being bullied. At the same time, they thought it was reasonable to attack members who support Mr Corbyn, calling them Marxist, communist and other derogatory names. They chose to resign over the sacking of a man {Dugher} who had shown incredible disloyalty to his Leader and to the members. They all think it’s reasonable to run to the press every chance they have and bleat how unfair life is to them. (They should try living in the real world and see how unfair life really can be). Do these people not understand loyalty? Behaving in this shabby way is not only disloyal to the leader but also to the MEMBERS. Are we not the people that voted Jeremy Corbyn in on the biggest mandate in history and is it not a fact that more people have joined the party since he was elected on his policies? I know in time The Progress Party will realise that it was their policies that lost us the last two elections and that the Blair ideology doesn’t sit well with the VOTERS. The reason I am writing to you is the disloyalty the NEC and Labour First are showing to Mr Corbyn but more importantly it is the disloyalty to the members {the VOTERS}. Having secret meetings behind the leaders' back, attacking his policies and trying to find ways and means to bring about his down fall. Only electing members who support the Progress party or are part of Labour First; having vetted where their loyalties lay first. I was under the impression that the NEC was neutral to party politics; it would seem I was wrong. As a powerful group within the Labour party I would have expected you to have openness and clarity and not operate under a cloak of secrecy. This is surely something that needs to be addressed at conference and the rules made fairer and more reflective of the opinions of the members. After all isn’t that what DEMOCRACY is all about? We have party within a party - a Progress Party. A group that calls themselves Labour First - whose aim is to cause the downfall of Mr Corbyn. And a very powerful group The NEC - whose members seem to be made up of the above two groups - who have secret meetings with the intention of blocking policies and to deliberately block any move that Mr Corbyn makes that they don’t want to go along with. In anyone’s book that is not DEMOCRATIC. What you all have forgotten is that the Labour Party is growing fast and becoming stronger every day, not because of Mr Corbyn but because of his policies.
When Mr Corbyn retires the movement will still be strong and will move forwards with true SOCIALIST policies. If you do remove Mr Corbyn I and thousands of others will leave the Labour Party. What all of you who still resist the move to the left and insist on following Blair’s ideology don’t realise is you risk losing the jobs you are all desperately clinging to. We the members want change. What I suggest we all do is come together and be a Party that can put this country back on its feet again, become a nation with a second to none manufacturing base, an NHS that will once again be envied by the world, where the poor, vulnerable and disabled are not considered criminals. Together we can be Great again but if you all carry on as you are we will lose the election in 2020. And we will be looking at the parties within a party for the loss. We need to stop the in-fighting, debate the policies behind closed doors and at hustings and CLP meetings but not in the media. Let’s all move forward as ONE. Yours Sincerely. Karen Meanwell and Joanne Sinton |
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April 2017