Friends and comrades, it seems there is another enemy to fight if we are truly going to take back the party for the people. The enemy is the NEC. I have sent a letter to Iain McNicol leader. Stating my concerns I am posting the letter on here, in the hope that you will all be aware that with the NEC election coming up you can encourage your own CLP [Constituency Labour Party] to put forward a candidate that is Pro Jeremy. To Iain McNicol As a member of the Labour Party and having voted Labour since the age of 18, a full 36 years in total, even through the debacle of the Blair years, I sat back and watched a party that my grandparents and parents fought for, be taken apart by a man and his cabinet and made into a pale blue tory party. The party started to dismantle the unions; it turned its back on the working class and the poor. I like many others thought the Labour Party was finished. I watched as the media and his own party members demolished a good man in Ed Miliband. Then Jeremy Corbyn came on the scene; a man of honesty, ideals and principals; unbelievable in a politician I know. A true man of the people. He is prepared to take on the government and win; which he is doing every week; despite the hurdles his own cabinet is putting in his way. I feel hopeful for the first time in years. Although the media in all forms are trying their hardest to discredit him, his shoulders are wide and his resolve is strong. I expected opposition from The Progress part of the party and Labour First as these MP’s are careerist and want a job for life without having to work too hard on behalf of the people who voted them in with the added bonus of totally discounting the opinions of their constituents, {ergo the vote on Syria}. They then had the audacity of calling foul when those said constituents tackled them about it; bleating to the press that they are being bullied. At the same time, they thought it was reasonable to attack members who support Mr Corbyn, calling them Marxist, communist and other derogatory names. They chose to resign over the sacking of a man {Dugher} who had shown incredible disloyalty to his Leader and to the members. They all think it’s reasonable to run to the press every chance they have and bleat how unfair life is to them. (They should try living in the real world and see how unfair life really can be). Do these people not understand loyalty? Behaving in this shabby way is not only disloyal to the leader but also to the MEMBERS. Are we not the people that voted Jeremy Corbyn in on the biggest mandate in history and is it not a fact that more people have joined the party since he was elected on his policies? I know in time The Progress Party will realise that it was their policies that lost us the last two elections and that the Blair ideology doesn’t sit well with the VOTERS. The reason I am writing to you is the disloyalty the NEC and Labour First are showing to Mr Corbyn but more importantly it is the disloyalty to the members {the VOTERS}. Having secret meetings behind the leaders' back, attacking his policies and trying to find ways and means to bring about his down fall. Only electing members who support the Progress party or are part of Labour First; having vetted where their loyalties lay first. I was under the impression that the NEC was neutral to party politics; it would seem I was wrong. As a powerful group within the Labour party I would have expected you to have openness and clarity and not operate under a cloak of secrecy. This is surely something that needs to be addressed at conference and the rules made fairer and more reflective of the opinions of the members. After all isn’t that what DEMOCRACY is all about? We have party within a party - a Progress Party. A group that calls themselves Labour First - whose aim is to cause the downfall of Mr Corbyn. And a very powerful group The NEC - whose members seem to be made up of the above two groups - who have secret meetings with the intention of blocking policies and to deliberately block any move that Mr Corbyn makes that they don’t want to go along with. In anyone’s book that is not DEMOCRATIC. What you all have forgotten is that the Labour Party is growing fast and becoming stronger every day, not because of Mr Corbyn but because of his policies.
When Mr Corbyn retires the movement will still be strong and will move forwards with true SOCIALIST policies. If you do remove Mr Corbyn I and thousands of others will leave the Labour Party. What all of you who still resist the move to the left and insist on following Blair’s ideology don’t realise is you risk losing the jobs you are all desperately clinging to. We the members want change. What I suggest we all do is come together and be a Party that can put this country back on its feet again, become a nation with a second to none manufacturing base, an NHS that will once again be envied by the world, where the poor, vulnerable and disabled are not considered criminals. Together we can be Great again but if you all carry on as you are we will lose the election in 2020. And we will be looking at the parties within a party for the loss. We need to stop the in-fighting, debate the policies behind closed doors and at hustings and CLP meetings but not in the media. Let’s all move forward as ONE. Yours Sincerely. Karen Meanwell and Joanne Sinton
31/1/2016 12:05:19 pm
Well said
Al Ogden-Steele
1/2/2016 12:25:22 am
I am happy to add my name and support to this letter as I agreenwith everything in it,, I am appalled at the behaviour of some of the MP's with their disloyalty.
John S
12/7/2016 10:07:30 am
Well said! These are my thoughts too. As for the description given to me by the careeists they couldn't be more wrong I only stopped voting Labour when Blair revealed his true colours BLUE and not even pale but full on blue.
John Thatcher
31/1/2016 01:50:11 pm
I am happy to endorse what is said here,I do so as a returned(overseas)party member
Phoebe Williams
31/1/2016 03:11:09 pm
This says exactly what I think, and there are many more like me, lifetime Labour voters and supporters (I started stuffing envelopes at the age of 16), who are deeply ashamed of being conned by Blair and his cronies but wholly supporting of the new life being breathed into the party by Jeremy Corbyn. The next election will be a really interesting and exciting one; I'm just sorry to be living in a Tory stronghold...
steve howard
31/1/2016 03:36:31 pm
To think that the wishes of over half the then membership who voted for JC and of all those who have joined since his election can be swept aside like leaves in an Autumn breeze, is fundamentally seriously flawed. If those in the Labour party are serious about ever being in government on behalf of the people of this still great nation, then they need to wake up to the fact that the party is changing and with it the hopes of the nation. We need the hope that Corbyn brings, not some wishy washy soundbites from a collective that has trouble getting off the gravy train in Westminster Station !!!!
31/1/2016 03:40:57 pm
Absolutely, well said, I will add my name to this, as will many thousands of others.. Corbyn has a mandate. this constant insulting, undermining, is unprofessional against the good of the labour party and Dugher should be called to account... he is NOT an elected spokesman of Labour.. his rhetoric is doing damage to our great |Party.
Linda Vaux
31/1/2016 03:49:23 pm
The Labour party needs to get behind the elected leader and stand up against Tory policies. Any candidate selected should pledge to do the same. The damage the naysayers are doing to the party and long term future of this country is obvious. It is down to you to make sure the democratic will of the members is adhered to.
31/1/2016 04:11:31 pm
Jeremy Corbyn is exactly the leader the Labour party of the people needs - it seems that the labour party of the people and the labour party or the politicians are two very different things - i strongly object to the constant threats to his leadership from labour mp's - we the people voted for Jeremy Corbyn and we the people stand with him and support his leadership
Alan Watkins-Groves
31/1/2016 04:18:51 pm
If the NEC does not like the way the vast majority of the membership want to take the Party then it is time for them to step aside.
Lorraine Winson
31/1/2016 04:27:55 pm
I returned to labour last year. I left in the Blair years. Jeremy Corbyn is the reason I came back. I would leave in heartbeat if he is forced out by Progress and the pale blue line.
Tina Webley
31/1/2016 04:36:03 pm
Joan Davis
31/1/2016 05:57:32 pm
I agree Jeremy Corbyn must be taken serious he can win the next election All the media and even our ex party. Shadow Cabinet must take him seriously He can win
Joe Phillips
31/1/2016 06:13:11 pm
Pretty well all members agree with this! But it's as if we have Labour MPs who really are Tory sleepers, who's job is to destroy the party if anyone left of Thatcher looks like gaining power in the Labour party. A conspiracy theory, true, but you can't help wondering about some of these people who seem to be suicidal, but know they'll be looked after when we are destroyed.
Jane tims
31/1/2016 06:48:37 pm
Recent behaviour of some MP's including my own indicate that some have become remote from the wishes of the majority of the party members.We have a unique opportunity to reform the Labour party.And their in the title is the key.We are the party of the 99%.We should not be looking back.We urgently need to move forward.I do not wish to be disrespectful to the people currently seemingly hellbent on removing Jeremy Corbyn but I would like to remind them that the recent surge in membership is an indicator that people obviously liked what they heard.The failure of Labour to win the recent election illustrated clearly that voters were not happy with the party as it was.
June Knight
31/1/2016 08:09:16 pm
Fine, I agree, and Exec was very happy to remove decent people from the right to vote on spurious untrue accusations. Its that kind of deceit and underhandedness that has affected my ability to vote Labour and my utter distrust in it over the years, until now when I have Hope in Corbyn.
31/1/2016 08:56:42 pm sorry to add this here, however so incensed am I that Luke Akehurst has compared supporters of Corbyn to ISIS terrorists this to me is the biggest insult to me as a Corbyn supporter ever... I really would like this to go further has anyone any ideas how to deal with this.
John S
14/7/2016 01:02:16 pm
Yes sue the cretin for slander but first if you,re genuily distressed report him to the police
Mrs Debbie Manley
31/1/2016 11:59:43 pm
I agree completely. The Labour Party must stop the campaign to discredit and oust Mr Corbyn immediately. He was elected with a massive majority of the membership, and to disregard their wishes is to treat your supporters with utter contempt. The real enemy is the Conservative Party not your own Party. However unhappy certain elements of the Labour Party may be with the choice of leader, it must be accepted, and the Party (as a whole) MUST join together to ensure a victory in 2020. The so called 'blue labour MPs' have had 2 chances so far to win a General Election and the electorate have shown they do not want them in Government. Mr Corbyn has galvanised an interest in Politics like no other, including young people which in itself is no mean feat, and no matter what the media would have you believe, there is a growing swell of support for his politics. The Party need to support him to ensure that ground swell continues to propel him to a victory at the next election in 2020. If the Party doesn't do this, it will never win another election again. Respect your elected leader, get behind him and ensure that we are victorious in seeing Mr Corbyn as the next Prime Minister of a Labour Government. We need the Tories gone before they completely ruin this country beyond repair.
Andy King
1/2/2016 07:19:41 am
Anne Amison
1/2/2016 10:29:59 am
I absolutely concur and support what you say in this letter. Keep us posted on any response.
1/2/2016 03:19:22 pm
Hi guys
John Scott
8/3/2016 01:55:39 pm
As a returning Labour supporter I too endorse this letter. I also suggest that those attempting to oust the democratically elected leader should take great care as having in great numbers elected a leader of our choice we could also mount a campaign to remove them from office. Take care lads & lassies we ARE watching
9/3/2016 10:15:58 am
If only the NEC was elected by the members. Oh, err....
John Scott
10/3/2016 03:13:12 am
These dissenting Mp's don't care if they win an election all they care about is that now ensconced in the HoC they are able to maintain their seats. If it means being in opposition for the foreseeable future sobeit They're in the club and thats all they ever wanted. The day of the conviction politician (apart from Jeremy and Dennis) is long gone I'm afraid. Its all about me me me
12/7/2016 09:44:32 am
I fully endorse the content of this letter, supporting all the points made.
Lee M-W
12/7/2016 12:09:16 pm
I totally agree. As a lifelong Labour supporter and voter I am ashamed at the way the Party and its so-called supporters are actually undermining the future of socialism in the UK and are trying as hard as they can to undermine Jeremy Corbyn, an honest and trustworthy man who has done his best to restore the left wing of Labour. He deserves to be PM but given the back-stabbing from his supposed colleagues it is hard to see how he can conquer...
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