On Thursday 23 June, Britain will take the huge decision to remain in or leave the EU. Sadly, many feel that much of the debate so far has been an alienating squabble between different factions of the Tory party. But this isn't their referendum; it's your referendum.
That's why Momentum, following a decision by our national committee to back a left case for IN and support Another Europe is Possible, has created #YourReferendum, an open, online platform for campaigning and organising tools, to take the debate out of Westminster and into our communities. #YourReferendum is your platform to take back the debate from the Tories, UKIP and 'Project Fear' and make it yours. Momentum exists to increase participation in politics; #YourReferendum is a great opportunity for us to do exactly that. The #YourReferendum web page will develop alongside the activism that takes place across the country. Please send us any templates or resources you're using in your campaigning, so that we can share it with thousands of other citizen campaigners across the UK. If you’re organising any campaigning activities of events, please publicise them on a shared Another Europe is Possible, Momentum and DiEM events map. Here are some ideas for how you can get involved with #YourReferendum: 1. Create templates or toolkits of how you are campaigning or would like to campaign. We’re especially keen to promote ways of campaigning that push back against the immigrant scapegoating in the mainstream debate, and which make the case for workers' rights, environmental justice and the clamping down of unaccountable corporate and financial power. Please email any resources to [email protected] and we'll add them to the website. 2. Organise a voter registration drive. The deadline for registering to vote is Tuesday 7 June. You can download flyers and information about voter registration from the #YourReferendum website. Publicise your event on a shared Another Europe is Possible, Momentum and DiEM events map. 3. Organise In-Out public debates using the participatory debate template on the #YourReferendum website. All those who conclude they are for a left IN could then engage in other campaigning activities like phonebanking and door knocking. Publicise your event on our shared events map. 4. Promote the Another Europe is Possible national tour and organise #YourReferendum activities off the back of the events. If you can’t make it to any of the dates, some of the events will be live streamed here. 5. Organise events for Euro 2016 matches. Momentum Football has an event for the England vs. Russia match with John McDonnell. The Euros present an excellent opportunity to marry football and politics and to root discussions about the EU referendum in our communities and the issues that matter to us. 6. Organise canvassing teams to either join Labour IN activities taking place near you or receive our own data to engage with left wing, younger, and other voters who might feel distant from the standard messaging from the Cameron-led IN campaign and feel that Labour IN has not been sufficiently distinctive. 7. Tell us about your events so they can be advertised to Momentum supporters near you. 8. Come up with other ideas for what we should be doing and share them with us at [email protected] We will launch #YourReferendum, tomorrow at Another Europe is Possible’s national event with John McDonnell, Yanis Varoufakis and others. We will promote and improve it at all the stops of the Another Europe speaking tour this week. John McDonnell will be speaking in Leicester on Wednesday 1 June about the EU referendum. Book your tickets here. We hope you’ll join us over the next month as we take back the Europe debate from the reactionary and conservative forces that currently dominate. In solidarity, Team Momentum http://momentum.nationbuilder.com/ http://www.peoplesmomentum.com
This blog will include a range of reports and opinion pieces covering many issues. It will be YOUR Voice. Archives
April 2017