Patricia Betty , Essex, UK We are All in deep trouble, and that includes the SNP A strange message from Nicola Sturgeon. The Scots must kick out Labour in Scotland because they are no good for the country, but if the rest of the UK had voted in a Labour government, Ms Sturgeon would have been more than happy to join Ed Miliband, to keep the Tories out. That sends a clear message to me. It says that the SNP is more concerned with their own power plays than they are with the good of either Scotland or the rest of us. Mr Salmond (et al) has never got over his defeat in the referendum for Scottish independence. We thought at the time he was standing down, but he is too much into his own power games to ever do that. The election gave him the ideal platform to declare the lion has roared in Scotland, and now their blood is up and one can almost hear the claymores clashing. How did they reach this fever pitch? It’s simple really. The Scots were brain whipped by the SNP and the Scottish Sun into believing that Labour was in cahoots with the Tory party. Red Tories was the insult often hurled on social media as misplaced nationalism got its bit between their teeth. No amount of information or attempts at denying this false claim were tolerated in any way, and people both North and South of the border were persuaded by forces they could not resist that Ed Miliband was pro-austerity and in fact pro everything they hate. England inflamed the situation by calling the SNP Tartan Tories, which is ironic really when you think this squabbling between nations resulted in the REAL Tories being elected. In spite of professing to want to keep the Tories out, Nicola Sturgeon’s actions have caused many people in England to vote Tory because they feared Labour would meet the SNP with open arms. Some say she does indeed want the Scots to suffer for 5 more years of Tory austerity so they will be ripe for the independence vote. Whilst the SNP themselves were playing both ends off against the middle, Tory spin doctors and the press who support them, were stirring the pot with lies and personal smears against Ed Miliband. There is no doubt Ms Sturgeon is a personable wordsmith, who held Scotland in her thrall, but it’s hard to believe a woman of her intelligence and political position didn’t see through Murdoch’s propaganda. So whipped up with nationalistic pride and nostalgia for William Wallace that on Election Day the people north of the border would have voted for Sponge Bob Squarepants if it meant he would lead them to separate from England. Similarly, the normally slow to rouse English thought that to vote Labour would see the SNP in Westminster dictating all sorts of nefarious policies that would affect England in a negative way. Nicola seems pleased with what she’s done, but she may live to regret her power play when Tory cuts start to bite into Scotland’s NHS, social security and care for the elderly. The unholy ConDem coalition has deliberately created a division in the UK, a division greater than any in recent history. Nationalistic pride is growing in all corners of the UK, with Scotland desperate to leave the rest of us, and everyone clamouring to leave the EU. For sure this election will go down in history for all of the wrong reasons. Undoubtedly something must change in the first past the post voting system. Of course it will suit a Tory agenda to know that Labour will have a hard time beating them without Scottish Labour, and they won’t be likely to want change that in any event. The future is bleak for all of us now, and the SNP won’t be able to stop any legislation from Westminster that affects Scotland. Those in work will suffer as their pay will not be increased, and our ability to protest against injustice will be taken away when Cameron gets rid of the human rights Act. The bedroom tax is here to stay and the transatlantic trade deal (TTIP) will see our NHS sold off to rich oligarchs who will run it as a profit making venture. This will be locked into international law and any moves to redress the balance will be doomed to fail. Crisis centres will be closed or sold off, and those unlucky enough to be on benefits will face more swingeing cuts and unfair rules which will snatch away money (even for mild misdemeanours like being late for an appointment at the benefits office) will be ramped up. People have died, of starvation or suicide, and more will die because of Tory policies in the future. In short the vulnerable and those who cannot fight back will face real hardship, and those who deserve empathy and compassion will find stony faced bureaucrats who don’t care if they live or die. It will be the end of the welfare state which has protected us over the years. £12 billion cuts to health services and more cuts to other vital services like the fire brigade and the police force. Zero hour contracts and no job security while the non doms stash their money in tax havens and continue to pay no tax in the UK. Commentators in the know have predicted neo feudalism and an economic crisis within a year. One Twitter user said, “I advise you not to be poor, not to be ill, not to be old and not to be in need of a job.” We are in a black hole right now and the SNP must share some of the blame for putting us there. But their ‘I’m alright Jack’ style of politics will soon come unstuck and Scotland may soon come to wish they had voted in a Scottish Labour party who as things are now had no chance to implement their policies which would have seen us all much better off. Patricia Betty and here at NEWTEK
9/5/2015 06:13:51 pm
You have said it all Pattie.
Patricia Betty
10/5/2015 01:21:24 am
Our leaders are running a corrupt system whilst the Tory press make sure we are kept in the dark. Things I would never have thought would happen in my Britain are happening all around us and we don't see the importance of what we sign up to until it's too late. Dirty journalism and politics who think they were elected to pursue a personal agenda have made me ashamed to be British. Those who voted Tory and SNP were duped by Rupert Murdoch, Cameron's spin merchants, Salmond's drooling grasp for power. The UK is not a democracy, it never was, we were just brainwashed into colluding with our own oppression. Smoke and mirrors and illusionists playing their power plays whilst we walk like lambs to the slaughter. God help us all for we are about to suffer.
Ricky K
10/5/2015 01:24:40 am
I find parts of this post insulting.
10/5/2015 04:37:29 am
Thanks for coming back Ricky
10/5/2015 03:31:16 am
I agree with Patricia and she painted a true picture of what happened and will happen. The moment Murdoch started you could feel the air changing. The Telegraph sent emails out to all its customer to vote Tories. From there on there was nothing but smears and lies, no matter how Miliband kept denying it and it was all wrong.
10/5/2015 04:40:29 am
On BBCQT Friday some Tory MP, cant remember which, said blaming the Sun and Murdoch does a disservice to British voters but I think in some cases people are politically stupid. Sorry but they are.
Jayne Linney
10/5/2015 07:03:12 am
Wondering What NOW? I Believe #TogetherWeCan … RT
10/5/2015 11:51:43 am
And yes Jayne - If we the little people begin to fight each other our 'masters' will be laughing all the way to the bank
Patricia Betty
10/5/2015 03:18:57 pm
Ricky, I did not intend to insult anyone and I am sorry you feel that way. Having said that, you must see how different the Sun in England played it compared to the Scottish Sun. Nicola Sturgeon knows very well that Labour is not pro austerity and neither did they collude with the Tories over the independence vote. Ed Miliband went to Scotland to ask peop,e to vote to stay in the UK because he believes that is best for both countries. You can hardly say he colluded because Cameron felt the same way. I also don't understand why Scotland threw out labour who were the opposition party. They were t in government so could do little to fulfil any promises made unless they were voted in. It's not right to blame Ed Milinand for the failings of the Labour under Tony Blair. We don't have new labour and Ed is a socialist who had some great policies to make the UK better for all of us.
11/5/2015 07:24:01 am
One thing Ricky you have not said if you are a socliaist or a Red SNP or even Tory previously. I guess plenty of red tories north of the border voted SNP on a nationalist agenda.
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