John McDonnell on the leadership battle
(This talk was given by John McDonnell on Wednesday June 29, 2016 at a Stand Up for Labour event in the George IV pub in Chiswick, West London. The transcript has been lightly edited to account for the difference between spoken and written language but the content is unchanged. We thought that the speech deserved wide circulation.) Let me just tell you where we’re at at the moment because it’s important that you know. I just want to go back a short while, I won’t keep you long. When Jeremy got elected last year he got elected on 59.5% of the vote – the highest mandate that any political leader of this country has ever received from their own membership. It was overwhelming in individual members, the affiliated group and also the new supporters. In every category he won. When we got back to Parliament he tried, in his own quiet way (I’ve known Jeremy 35/40 years and he’s one of the most caring, compassionate people I’ve met), to work with people, put them together. He created a Shadow Cabinet of left, right and centre, he tried to hold it together. And when he did that he tried to work with the Parliamentary Labour Party all the way through. But there’s been a group within the PLP who consistently refused to accept his democratic mandate and consistently undermined him in every way they possibly could. To be frank, I don’t know how he’s borne it. I’m just so proud of him, to be honest, for what he’s done. We knew at that time, that for some time they were plotting to see if they could have a coup at some stage. We knew that. We knew all the way along. The thing about it is they’re not particularly good at it. We had people in meetings where they were discussing who would be the candidate they would run etc. And so we got intelligence on a regular basis. False arguments about electability And their first attempt was the Oldham by-election. What they tried to say was “It’s not political this, it’s not his policies we disagree with, it’s the fact that he can’t win elections”. So the Oldham by-election was the first test. If he had lost the Oldham by-election that might have been the opportunity for some form of coup or to start the first stages. We went to Oldham. Jim McMahon was a fantastic candidate but what we got was the best of both worlds: a good local candidate and the Corbyn supporters enthusiasm. And we has a massive victory in Oldham. So they backed off. So the next one was going to be the local government elections. That was the excuse for the next plot. We got to the local government elections and they said again “You can’t win an election with Corbyn” etc. We won every mayoral election we contested, every one. We won the seats in terms of local government, councils we were expected to lose, we won every one. We reached in our first six months the highest level of support that Ed Miliband got all through his term of office. Now that was not something that we thought was wonderful but it was better than anyone thought possible. And in every Parliamentary by-election that’s taken place, we’ve increased our majorities on every occasion. When Jeremy took over as leader in September we were fourteen points behind in the opinion polls. We are now ahead of the Tories in the opinion polls this week even post-Brexit. And here’s the irony, it’s just extraordinary, on Monday the Parliamentary Labour Party meeting was one of the most disgraceful meetings I’ve ever attended. It was like a lynching without the rope. It was appalling. MP after MP got up calling on Jeremy to resign: “We can’t win elections under you”. And here’s the irony, the first item on the agenda was to welcome the new Labour MP for Tooting who had doubled Labour’s majority. I don’t accept that this is about Jeremy not being able to win elections. I know how tough it’s going to be to defeat the Tories but also we know that we’ve been building a solid base of support. Why? Because we’ve changed the political direction of this party within nine months. When we went into the last election we were austerity-lite. We had voted for tuition fees, we had voted for wars in Iraq, and all the rest of it. We transformed ourselves. We’re now an anti-austerity party, we’re now in favour of scrapping tuition fees, we’re in favour of building council houses again, we favour trade union rights and also, in the week before Chilcott is published, under Jeremy Corbyn we are now a party that will never again go on a military adventure that cost 500,000 lives as happened in Iraq under Blair. Never again. That’s why they’re coming for Jeremy. This isn’t about electability. This is about policy and politics. They told us that it was about the European referendum, because he hadn’t done enough. The referendum campaign So let me just explain what happened on that because I’m gutted that we lost it. I’m sad that we lost it. But what happened way back in September was that Jeremy and I met with Angela Eagle and Hilary Benn and they said they wanted to run the European campaign and we said “fine”. But at that point in time we said that we need to agree the politics of this. We said that we can’t just go out there as simple Europhiles because, to be frank, there was a need for reform in Europe. And at that point in time they were trying to argue that we should unanimously support Cameron’s deal in Europe. We refused. So we said “get on with the campaign and call us in when you need us, we will do all that we can to support”. Jeremy toured round this country – the stamina of the man is unbelievable. Thousands of miles, meeting after meeting. Both of us spoke in virtually every major city in the country. But we campaigned on the basis of ‘remain but reform’. And that is where most of the British population are. They agree that there needs to be reform. It was no use going out there just arguing that the European Union was perfect. It was remain and reform. We also said, to be frank, as soon as you start appearing on platforms with Tories Farage and Boris Johnson ironically will call you “the establishment”. And that’s exactly what happened in Scotland and that is exactly what happened in Northern cities in particular across this country. So we believed that the tactics of the campaign were wrong. Nevertheless we worked really hard. But when the result came out they wanted a scapegoat, they wanted to blame Jeremy. They wanted to use this as the excuse for the coup. The plot unfolds And what happened I’ll briefly tell you. On Saturday night last Jeremy was contacted by a sympathetic journalist. He had been briefed that Hilary Benn was going round the Shadow Cabinet urging people to urge Jeremy to stand down or threaten resignation. When Jeremy contacted him and asked if it was true. Would he be happy for a statement to be put out saying it was an error or that Hilary withdraw from his actions. He refused. What else could he do but ask him to stand down? There was no other option. What we then discovered, because they just leak like I don’t know what, was that there was a plan that what would happen is group after group of individuals, front benchers, would resign, in batches. Because it was to destabilise. It was on the basis that one group resigned, fine we could accommodate that, settle down for a few hours and then another group would resign. It went on like that. So what Jeremy had to do was to put together another Shadow Cabinet and that’s what we’ve done. And we’ve brought in, yes, lots of the new young people into the Shadow Cabinet. I tell you, listening to some of their speeches this week has been thrilling and they are the heroes and heroines of this movement. Finally, let me just say where we’re at now because we’re getting to the point where it becomes farcical. What they did, to try and divide me and Jeremy, they briefed the media that I was trying to challenge him. And today Tom Watson has given an interview saying its John MacDonnell who’s forcing him to stay. You can’t have it both ways. So what I’ve said today is, straightforwardly, if Jeremy wants to remain the leader of the Labour Party I will support him wholeheartedly, I will chair his campaign committee again. It’s his decision and he’s made that decision. He’s staying. I think this is a tragedy what’s going on now. At a time when, to be frank, our country’s facing some of the severest economic problems we’ve had in a generation as a result of the referendum, when the Tories are in disarray and this is virtually no government there whatsoever, this is the time the Labour Party should have held together and stepped up its campaigning. Parliamentary pomposity this is not. This is not just for the sake of the Party. It’s for the sake of our country and the people we represent because they’re the ones that will be hit the hardest as a result of this result from the European referendum and the economic instability. What we’ve said is Jeremy is staying. If someone wants to challenge him fine. I spoke to Tom Watson and said if a candidate comes forward let’s have a democratic election of the leader but let’s do it as comrades, as friends, it doesn’t have to be like this. We should be able to act amicably in this party and not in the way that people have treated Jeremy in the Parliamentary Labour Party. They’re falling out among themselves as to who should be the candidate. It looks as though Angela Eagle, we’re told by the BBC, will announce she will become a candidate tomorrow. Fine, fine. I’ve said we will convene an urgent NEC, have a short leadership campaign timetable in order to match the Tories and get our leader in place so that we can then challenge the Tories and if there is a general election then we’re ready to go with the leader. Debate as comrades and hold together But, above all else, now at the moment, what we need people to do, whichever position they come from, is just to hold together in the party, just basically to treat each other with some common decency. So where we’re at at the moment is that we think there will be a candidate coming forward tomorrow, the NEC will set up the timetable for the leadership election and we’ll have what we’ve always wanted really, a democratic debate. Jeremy will stand again and tour round the country setting out his policies and we’ll hope that he gets re-elected. We’d welcome it, if you’re not a member of the Labour Party at the moment we need you to join. If you are a member of the Labour Party let me just say this. What we’re witnessing at the moment is a very British coup. If we don’t face this down what will be the point of being a Labour Party member, voting for a leader that you want and then having the Labour Party MPs exercise a veto. That is unacceptable. There has been a recent modern invention by the Greeks. It’s called democracy. What we’re standing for in this period now is democracy in the Party – the ability of rank and file members of the Labour Party to choose the leader that they want and the policies that they want. And if we lost that, if we allow this coup to destroy Jeremy Corbyn, they destroy our Party. I am not going to allow that to happen and I hope that you don’t. So I’m urging you, pleading with you now, as we go through this period, let’s be comradely to whoever comes forward in the other campaign and let’s stand firm in the interests of democracy. And I appeal to you to support the person who actually did get democratically elected nine months ago, who transformed our policies into becoming a socialist party once again, and right the way round the country gave people hope of a new form of politics, caring and compassionate but socialist above all else. So I say to you if this election comes stand with me and support Jeremy Corbyn. Solidarity. Thanks to Jackie Walker for sharing Related: July 2015
Stuart Barkworth
3/7/2016 12:08:37 am
I'm standing firmly behind Jeremy Corbyn
steve martin-hanley
3/7/2016 02:22:33 am
Total professional attitude and excellent mediation, Jeremy and John is what the party has been waiting for, for years. I have friends mps in all parties, but if this new cohesion of democracy and fair policies work then count me in. I wouldnt mind being a new MP.
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:05:31 pm
It's what we need
Nick Taylor
22/7/2016 05:29:57 pm
Pauline Oldford
3/7/2016 07:52:03 am
Jeremy Corbyn is a breath of fresh air .. A honest decent and principled leader who cannot be bought and has proved his ability to represent the people .. I am with him all the way .. I will keep the faith !!
Michael Gray
3/7/2016 04:56:26 pm
I support Jeremy and i am very disappointed in my MP, Angela Eagle.
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:06:07 pm
They planned for her to oust hom for some time.
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:03:26 pm
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:04:31 pm
Hear hear
4/7/2016 09:06:44 am
100% behind jc.there can be no pardon for these 172 Mp's. They can never be trusted again as they are not for the people. If I stabbed my boss in the back I would be sacked immediately. Just because you are a mp doesn't give you the right to be a traitor to the people and still keep your job. They have to go.
Nicholas Poulcherios
6/7/2016 03:23:19 pm
I totally agree with the comments above. Me and my wife will remain supporting JEREMY CORBYN to VICTORY. Lies by PMs and and politics of FEAR to win and or influence our votes should become crimes. #wesupportJEREMYCORBYN.
3/7/2016 12:24:27 am
This man is going to be a brilliant Chancellor when JC is prime minister when we finally have the real Larbour Party again in government .This Chicken Coup was always doomed to failure because of decent people our members and supporters have seen to that.
Roy Beiley
4/7/2016 06:01:44 pm
I have been watching John McDonnell get more and more impressive over the last few months. His idea to get the best economists together to hammer out a proper Economic Strategy for the Party when it gets elected was his first task. After that he has become more vocal in his support for Jeremy Corbyn. He is an excellent communicator, has swathes of experience and actually sounds like an adult speaking as opposed to Cameron and Osborne who should still be wearing short trousers and having a fag behind the bike sheds! Rock on!
peter mcgarry
3/7/2016 12:25:43 am
I stand with Jeremy
Peter King
3/7/2016 12:41:05 am
With Jeremy all the way.
Michael Polling
3/7/2016 12:50:25 am
I'm backing Jeremy.
Moira Russell
3/7/2016 07:55:49 am
I'm with Jeremy all the way
Jo Sergeant
3/7/2016 08:20:54 am
Thank you so much for publishing this. I feel a lot better. I know it's not all about me (ha ha) but it makes it easier to continue the campaign.
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:07:04 pm
Stand together right now.
Ivy Purdom
3/7/2016 08:24:57 am
I stand with Jeremy all the way, Power to the people
3/7/2016 08:30:16 am
This coup has inspired me to join Labour and stand up for Jeremy - as he has done for us. Ironically, at a time when we need strong leadership and backbone, those behind the coup offer us the opposite!
Jim Butler-Daulby
3/7/2016 08:34:08 am
My wife and I have joined to back Jeremy Corbyn! The failed neoliberalism of the past 37 years has been one of the most damaging periods in our history. Time for change!
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:07:52 pm
Well done both
Russell Keable
3/7/2016 08:41:39 am
John McDonnell's description of the referendum campaign has to be given much wider circulation to counter the false 'Corbyn did nothing' narrative of the PLP.
Cameron McVey
3/7/2016 09:10:56 am
This explanation should be read out word for word by the BBC on all of their current affairs programs for the next 7 days as punishment for their disgusting bias against not only Jeremy Corbyn & John McDonnell but also for the way that they have ridiculed all the thousands of ordinary people who voted for Corbyn in the leadership election & who continue to support him now despite all their lies & innuendo.
3/7/2016 02:00:05 pm
I am with Jeremy 1,000 % I believe he is the best labour leader we have ever had and the disgusting treatment by the PLP coups and all ,months & months of abuse towards him whether subtle or direct by the PLP, BBC, media would have broken most men but somehow Jeremy has borne it. The message from John is wonderful and I will share this and hope this week the PLP will see sense.
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:09:20 pm
So much support but you wouldn't know it in the main stream
3/7/2016 08:29:37 pm
Lillian wilby
3/7/2016 09:50:05 am
I am 110 percent behind Jeremy.
Carol M
3/7/2016 09:59:10 am
And here lies loyal, from one good man for another and in turn from both for democracy!
Pat Melia
3/7/2016 10:32:50 am
Behind Jeremy John,and all those supporting them 100000%.This has been a long time comeing.And i Thank God its Here.
3/7/2016 10:39:50 am
Throughout the decades when Socialism has been smeared as a dirty word, millions of us have been yearning for its restoration as a political force and a movement of the people. Jeremy and John have achieved this, here in the UK, after the example of our comrades in Greece and Spain. They deserve every success, as well as our undying gratitude for their achievement. Thanks guys - and to all who stick by them.
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:10:41 pm
Stay strong we need socialism to build a social conscience again.
Marie Macrae
3/7/2016 11:15:03 am
What a speech! An open and honest description of what has been going on! An embarrassing and disgraceful way for people who should know better to behave. The damage that this awful behaviour has done is considerable, and needs to be urgently repaired. Jeremy C. has not pointed a finger at, or called names or insulted those who are doing just that to him. He is behaving like the gentleman he is and deserves proper recognition of that!
Kevin Harrison
3/7/2016 11:38:30 am
I'm 75yrs old and have waited all my adult life for a Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonell turn up . Now they are here we must support them, we mustn't let them down.
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:14:19 pm
There debunks tge myth that the popular uprising is just the young. I'm 55 and when I first voted labour was the first time Thatcher got in. I come from socialist stock and hope for a return to a labour party that is for the people and will overthrow the Tories now! Jeremy is electable. New labour neo liberals are not.
Shelagh Peacock
3/7/2016 11:51:59 am
I agree with everything that you have said. A big disappointment, when the Labour Party should be standing together in our hour of need. The Country is rudderless, without some sort of leadership. What good does it do, if the Party cannot hold it together, for the sake of the people who voted you in.
josey graham
3/7/2016 01:06:39 pm
I will always have Jeremy's back
Amanda Susan Adlem
3/7/2016 01:35:34 pm
Interesting that responsibility for the EU result has bypassed Alan Johnson.
Steve Ellis
3/7/2016 05:01:47 pm
That's how it is with Johnsons.
Amanda Susan Adlem
3/7/2016 06:24:35 pm
Dorothy Eason
3/7/2016 01:44:59 pm
Now that's what you call honest politics - we are even being told what is going on behind the scene. I really admire Jeremy and John and they will be remembered in history for their efforts. What will history say about the others?
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:15:38 pm
Yes we are being told but that needs to hit mainstream.
3/7/2016 01:54:37 pm
If Jeremy is kicked out I will ask for my money back. Whoever takes over has destroyed the product I paid for. If I paid to join a football club and a small number of members said it was now a hockey club I would sue them under the trades description act.
Christine Parsons
3/7/2016 05:20:29 pm
How wonderfully refreshing to hear John McDonnell tell us what has been going on behind the scene. So much positive good will for Jeremy. I think that many of the 170 MPs were sorely misguided and misinformed by the dark forces that moved behind the scenes in this attempt to oust Jeremy. With this information coming to light and with their constituents on their backs I bet some are regretting both their vote and those in office regret being persuaded to resign their posts. They were told he would go am sure and that their constituents would support it. They should have consulted the many not the few!
3/7/2016 05:45:41 pm
Jeremy Corbyn is the breath of fresh air this country needs but he also needs to go back to his original stance on the EU. He should have backed the LEAVE campaign. The BREXIT vote was also democracy in action and he needs to now steer us out of the EU and be truthful about it.
4/7/2016 08:12:16 am
Thousands of us in Australia are watching this fight for democracy by British working people against the Blairites, the despicable Tories and the mainstream media. We are watching pro Corbyn Youtube demonstration, we are reading the articles of support, we are seeing the hysteria of his detractors. The sleeping giant is awake. If Corbyn wins, and everything points to that unless there is some other kind of 'coup' then the fight begins for the LP members and supporters. Go for it! We are willing you on. This weekend we had a federal election in which a conservative led coalition and a conservative Labor Party have virtually tied. We will have either Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee governing the country. Lot of people are watching what you do. I say again, go for it!
Jenny Mulley
4/7/2016 11:25:26 am
I have little faith in politicians but Jeremy Corbyn is proving to be a force to be reckoned with. How anyone can doubt his leadership qualities is totally twisted.
Andrew Sordyl
4/7/2016 01:22:39 pm
100% support for however long it takes to get Jeremy Corbyn elected as prime minister. We have had second rate ministers for far too long.
4/7/2016 02:11:33 pm
I am SO proud of Jeremy Corbyn! How the media can keep saying that he is weak is laughable. A man who can withstand this endless onslaught of lies, sneers, and attempts to bring him down is a far cry from being weak! On the contrary, he shows his personal strength of character even more. The whole country is crying out for a politician who is there for them, and not for the elitist system which has been in place for far too long. My husband and I are joining the Labour Party in order to support him. My grandfather's first cousin was Rt. Hon. Jim Griffiths, and I feel sure that if he were alive today he would be rooting for Jeremy all the way, and would see it is - a move back to the days of true socialism! Keep strong - we ALL need you!
Ian McAuey
4/7/2016 02:48:57 pm
They talk about Corbyn being unelectable and yet it is their attacking him instead of the tories that is putting people off the Labour Party
Barb Dymond
4/7/2016 03:57:04 pm
Until we have equality of information via the media, honest politicians like Jeremy don't get to play on a level playing field. Good luck Jeremy, you are an honest man.
4/7/2016 04:47:38 pm
At what address should I apply to becom a member of the Labour Party thank you in antisipaption
Janet Peters
4/7/2016 07:39:05 pm
you can join and become a Labour Party member at this link.
Nick Taylor
4/7/2016 11:49:37 pm
I joined the Labour Party when Jeremy Corbyn was elected, because for the first time in my voting life, here was someone (along with John McDonnell) who aligned with my values. I shall continue to support Mr Corbyn.
Tim McCarthy
5/7/2016 01:50:37 am
I’m backing Jeremy Corbyn because I don’t want a government made up of Tories in Labour clothing.
John Dowdle
5/7/2016 07:53:10 am
Two points:-
TIM Spencer
6/7/2016 12:06:37 am
John thank you for this. You make me feel proud to be part of the Labour movement.
Celia McClure
7/7/2016 10:41:58 am
Heard Jeremy speaking in house of commons about Chilcott. I thought it was the Tories heckling him and was shocked to discover it was coming from the people behind him. Absolutely disgraceful. Apparently one, Ian Austin, told him to shut up and sit down. John Bercow had to intervene. It seemed to me that sitting behind Jeremy were a group of thuggish louts who I hope do not represent the people of this country in their behaviour and will not be there to represent the people at the next election.
Helen Suret
7/7/2016 11:13:16 am
So refreshing to hear honesty and sincerity as well as a commitment to the true values of the Labour Party - have just joined again after many years so I can give my support to Jeremy Corbyn
Eric Jarvis
10/7/2016 03:08:50 am
My question regarding Angela Eagle, Owen Smith, or any other leadership challenger, is this week whilst Jeremy Corbyn was meeting with the families of Iraq war casualties and speaking against the rise in hate crime as well as the rise in poverty in the UK... what were YOU doing at this time of crisis other than plotting your own leadership bids? That's not leadership, it is ruthless blinkered ambition.
Ian McAuey
10/7/2016 09:14:22 am
The behavior of the PLP since July (before JC even became elected) has been a disgrace
10/7/2016 06:38:48 pm
I agree JC is a good honest Man, he should have Voted Leave EU , the Remainers told a lot of lies like Cameron and Blair Vote JC for Prime Minister i say, I am 76 and have seen a lot of bad things happen in the UK through the Tories , we need JC to help us leavers to find Peace and help our Children's Future .
11/7/2016 12:32:51 am
We now have a politician we can believe in, trust to look after all of our interests, something I had given up on to be honest. I support him and always will and I believe that those who have gone against him need to leave the party and join another or make their own party. None of them have even considered their constituents belief's, therefore have not even done their job, sack them as any unfit/incapable employee would be.
Ian McAuey
11/7/2016 01:48:59 am
If you attacked your boss in the media in the way that some MP's have or went around openly trying to get him sacked like they have done since his election then you'd lose your job really quickly
Allan Crago
22/7/2016 04:30:38 pm
Anyone who actually thinks we can win a general election with Corbyn as leader is living in cloud cuckoo land..We would have the worst election results in our history. The PLP understand this, and this is why they want rid of this utter liability.
Ian McAuey
22/7/2016 09:49:11 pm
No the PLP want rid of him because he is a risk to their pans for wealth for themselves, they have spent 10 months undermining him and looked for any excuse to try and oust him since before he was elected ffs I used to have to listen to a so called Labour councillor go on about how they would oust him within the first six weeks if he was elected
clare kneebone
17/9/2016 10:31:02 am
Thankyou John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn for such a hard road that you travel. I have taken it upon myself to try and campaign in my own small way for you. Know this : that we admire, honour and support you. For every detractor that I meet they will recieve a challenge from me on your policy and integrity.
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