I ain't really said much on the EUREF, but I feel this needs to be said.
We are not controlled by Brussels, Britain is controlled by a class of people, this class of people are called the "ruling class." If we stay in the EU or leave the EU, the same ruling class which control us now, will still be in charge. You will not have more power if we vote to leave, you will not have less, you will have the same amount of power that you have now, which is none. Inequality, and the structures of power and wealth will be maintained regardless of whether we are in or out come the EUREF, because the EUREF does not challenge the power structures, it does not challenge the inequality of the system. I don't care how you vote, but if you're voting with the thought that voting in or out, is going to impact on these things in anyway shape or form, sorry to break it to you but you're wrong. The wealthy elite in the City of London, will continue to be the wealthy elite long after the EUREF, the greedy bankers who have million pound bonuses, after the EUREF, will still be the same greedy bankers which plunged the world into recession in 2008. The corrupt politicians which take cash for questions, will still be there. Knighthoods and peerages will still be dolled out to the rich because of political donations, and political corruption. The rich multinationals, and the rich business owners, will still be the same ones we have now, and they will continue to get better treatment, and live better lives because of their wealth. This will not change whatever the result of the EUREF, because the EUREF does not seek to challenge the structures and systems which keep us poor, and impact heavily on inequality, and the halls of power. If you want to challenge these things, then after the referendum whatever the result, organise - join a trade union. Get involved in local activism, get involved in having a political voice, do something positive. Rally against the inequality within the system, educate yourself and others about the ruling elite and how they keep themselves in power. These things can be changed, and they have to be challenged, but in or out come the referendum, it will not impact on the ruling class in any meaningful way. So I hope that after this vote, a lot of you take this passion and start using it in a productive way, tackling the problems we face, and trying to change the oppressive structures which keep us in our place. Many thanks to: Stephen Anthony Miller for sharing his thoughts on the upcoming EU referendum.
Murray Sackwild
7/6/2016 12:45:16 am
I fully agree with the sentiment of all you say - however - Brexit will be a victory for the right and led by Johnson & Gove the ruling class will further embed its control - wiping away decades of hard-fought for rights for working people. I agree with you - both options are shit ... but IN is significantly less shit that out.
Dee Shoelace
7/6/2016 08:29:24 am
Murray Sackwild, well said
Denni Turp
7/6/2016 08:54:52 am
Very much agree with you, Murray.
Wendy Knight
7/6/2016 12:54:31 pm
Well put.
Geoff Bridges
7/6/2016 04:28:13 pm
When Obama and Clinton state that they would like the UK to stay in the EU you know it is in the UK's best interest to leave. The US has been the most destabilizing force for evil in the world for many decades and the sooner we distance ourselves from them, NATO as well as the EU the better.
7/6/2016 11:18:35 pm
Seriously you think the UK is democratic? 25% of the electorate chose the current 100% controllers of the flow of legislation through parliament.
Sean Atkins
9/6/2016 05:44:28 pm
Very well put Geofff. I think we need to leave not only for the sake of our economy, we also need to take a hold of our border control. Anyone coming to work in the UK needs to know that it's a privilege not a right and that they must contribute to our economy for ideally 5 years before they areentitled to any of our benefits.
7/6/2016 10:10:29 am
There is undoubtedly truth in this article but, what it fails to acknowledge is the extra tiers of plutocracy presently exercised by the bureaucrats in Brussels.
8/6/2016 01:01:11 am
This is the fundamental flaw with the Brexit argument, that there is 'more bureaucrats with power than there is in national govts', or the old chestnut 'the commission makes all the decisions'. Both are assumptions, fed by the media and the Conservative party, and are incorrect. There are in fact 50,000 bureaucrats running the EU's organisation spanning every single EU nation. We have 400,000 bureaucrats working for the UK parliament. Please explain how the EU, which is after all the economic hub of Europe is 'overwhelmed by powerful bureaucrats' when it's governing body uses a tenth of what our govt alone does?
7/6/2016 02:42:38 pm
Yes, we agree. But if you're a migrant, Brexit will make it harder for you to work and live in Britain, the country where some of us have spent our entire adult lives. So please, think about us and our families when you make your cross. We can't vote, so please use your vote in solidarity. Fight the ruling class with us!
Geoff Bridges
7/6/2016 04:26:43 pm
If you know who those elites are and those elites are pleading with the UK to stay in the EU and you want to defy those elites then surely you would vote LEAVE.
7/6/2016 11:20:27 pm
It's the elites backing the Outers who are the ones who want to retake the power and privileges that people enjoy like maternity pay, free health care, sick leave, job security. Just look at who it is who's behind these bandits
Howard Clark
7/6/2016 09:33:38 pm
Well said. And in reply to the guy about unelected representatives, we have a whole second chamber packed full of unelected representatives and it's called the House of Lords. The City of London had its very own unelected representative in the House of Commons too. Last but not least the Royal family are unelected too and if you believe they don't have an effect on what happens in our country then I believe you're very wrong.
Paul Bradshaw
8/6/2016 10:25:46 am
The EU is a tool of the ruling class and as such needs to be disengaged. The commentary rightfully points out no matter how we vote on June 23rd the ruling class will still rule, but they only rule because we the electors allow them to rule.
Jim Blythe
8/6/2016 07:51:48 pm
TTIP has just been vetoed by Francois Hollande. It will have to be revised. We are not the only country in the EU, and it is not "us and them" as the Brexiters would have you believe: other governments can, and do, act as a brake on excessively right-wing (or excessively left-wing) policies, at least as far as the EU as a whole is concerned. Within your own country, do what you like as long as it doesn't affect the others: France has much stricter labour laws than we do, and at present their government is trying to roll them back, which is why there are strikes and protests - but the EU is not involved, because France is, like us, a sovereign nation. Equally, Spain has better unemployment benefits than us, and at least as good a health system - the EU does not pay attention to that, Spain is a sovereign country. If we leave, we are at the mercy of an unelected government (only 36% of the vote) and in fact due to our electoral system, most governments we elect only have a minority of the vote. The EU is far from perfect, but it is our most powerful neighbour and economically at least the most powerful bloc in the world - if we leave, we will not only have to sit still and do as we're told, we will have no say whatsoever in the policies and we will (on present evidence) be ruled, in the short term, by some of the most rabid right-wingers to have achieved prominence in the last 40 years of UK politics. As one of the most powerful, influential members of the EU we can shape policy for millions of people - outside, we are not even in as good a position as Turkey.
10/6/2016 03:53:37 pm
In the #uk We call that #Oxbridge
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