A group of former government workers has organized an opposition to Nkurunziza.
The capital city, Bujumbura, has seen much gunfire and grenade explosions are a common occurrence. Every morning people wake to the sight of bodies of the murdered left in the dirt. While police and army claim they have no connections to the extrajudicial killings many of the deceased were in opposition to the current president. The son of a prominent civil rights worker was apprehended and died while in custody. Others have told of harsh torture at the hands of the authorities. A failed coup attempt in July has split the ranks of the army. Some have fled to neighbouring countries. Currently at least 100 thousand people have left their homes to find uncertain safety in neighbouring countries. As the violence continues to escalate, a further 100 to 250 thousand people are expected to flee. The cost to provide for the refugees is estimated at $39 million. Sources: Afrika Reporter All Africa
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![]() While the draconian measures passed easily in the Knesset, not all were in agreement with the move. MK Jamal Zahalka (Joint List) spoke out against the law, saying “fires cannot be put out with gas, and this law is throwing gas on a fire.” Jerusalem Post A Palestinian radio station was raided and trashed by Israelis on Monday. It was alleged that the operators were inciting the spate of violence that has erupted in the past few weeks. Stabbings and deadly shootings have resulted in deaths on both sides of the conflicts with the preponderance of deaths young Palestinians. Authorities threatened to take the Palestinian dead and bury them in unmarked graves, but later relented and returned the corpses to their families. The state of Israel was formed after the horrors of WW2. Jews were one of the groups targeted by the Nazis and millions were killed. While the Jewish religion began in the Middle East, at the time of WW2 there was no Jewish homeland. One was created where the modern Israeli State is now. Unfortunately those people who were displaced, suffered and were resentful. Some swore to “take back” their territory. In 1967 surrounding Arab countries prepared to go to war against the small state. Israel conducted pre-emptive air strikes which destroyed their enemies’ air power, seizing large tracts of land and humiliated the Arab coalition. Some of the land seized is referred to as the Occupied Territories. There have been Jewish settlements built in the area and in doing so nudging the Palestinians living there aside, sometimes with brutal force. Earlier this year a Palestinian family was destroyed when unidentified people set fire to their home, trapping them inside. Sources: Jerusalem Post Wikipedia
Barbara McPherson
Blogger, gardener, farmer. Working toward food security and a 30 foot
diet. Addicted to reading. Love this planet, especially my little corner
on Vancouver Island, Canada Archives
October 2016