The Independent reports "According to a police report seen by NBC Miami, Lopez told officers he flew into a rage and broke objects around the apartment after Ms Nemeth allegedly said her ex-husband’s name during sex."
The gruesome details continue thus - "Telling police he became a “monster”, Mr Lopez said he began to insert objects into Ms Nemeth, who was unconscious, and ripped out some of her intestinal tissue. After failing to revive his girlfriend by splashing water on her face, he called the emergency services." The couple had been living together for just one week. Lopez will not be given bail. Opinion: Capital punishment is legal in the US State of Florida. If Lopez is guilty of such a heinous crime he has to be one rabid dog that deserves to be put down.
B. McPherson
23/9/2015 03:54:04 pm
The whole situation sounds stunningly brutal. Perhaps he will do society a favour by removing himself.
24/9/2015 02:20:08 pm
Agreed Barbara
24/9/2015 07:50:15 pm
OMG whatever 'humans' or better still inhumans able off? This world is getting worse.
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