Munich Germany was in lockdown Friday evening after a multiple shooting. No trains or buses were running and the usually busy city area was deserted. Saturday the shooter is named as Ali Sonboly an 18-year-old German-Iranian dual national who lived in Munich. According to the Mail Online he is believed to have been acting on his own and killed himself Friday making the death toll nine. He is described as a loner, the son of a taxi driver; a young man who had complained of being bullied. There are reports that he set up a fake Facebook page to lure children to the McDonald's with promises of free food. He then struck. His motive is "completely unclear", said police. It is still too early to confirm whether it is a 'terrorist' Jihadi type attack or not. But many mainstream media publications already linked the attack to Daesh Friday. The Mail Online claims the gunman shouted the now familiar Allah Akbar but that is not proved. He did however reportedly shout "I am German" which could mean he has been taunted for his ethnic origin; but at this time that is more speculation. But Friday was the five-year anniversary of Anders Brevik's deadly terror attack in Norway leading people to initially question whether the attack had an extreme right-wing agenda. Saturday BBC news reports "The 18-year-old gunman who killed nine people in Munich was obsessed with mass shootings but had no known links to the Islamic State group, German police say. Written material on such attacks was found in his room. Munich's police chief spoke of links to the massacre by Norway's Anders Behring Breivik." Friday the attack at the Olympia mall in Munich unfolded on 24/7 news channels. We now know "He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack. Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated." The shooting reportedly began in the McDonald's at the mall around 4pm; the BBC news corporation said at least three people had been shot dead quoting Bavarian officials. That figure was revised up to six dead and later eight with another body found later, thought to be the gunman. Reports that claimed up to three gunmen were on the run now appear incorrect. Earlier “The situation is still completely confusing,” Thomas Baumann, a deputy spokesman of the Munich police, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the German press agency. “It is not clear whether is one or many shooters.” Authorities had warned people to be alert after a migrant stabbed five people on a train in Bavaria on Monday. Daesh or so-called Islamic State claimed responsibility for that attack. US President Barack Obama has pledged support for Germany following the shootings in Munich "We are going to pledge all the support they may need," he said. "We don't yet know exactly what's happening there, but obviously our hearts go out to those who may have been injured." Political representatives from the UK, Greece and other countries followed suit. Munich Police posted the following on Twitter later Friday evening - Important notice:for any information for relatives or inquiries about missing persons please dial:0800 7766350! #oez, #München, #schießerei The situation remained fluid although Saturday morning security restrictions have been lifted and transport is running normally. 27 people sustained injuries, ten with serious injuries, including children. Telegraph Saturday Telegraph German axe attacker
1 Comment
Robert Weller
22/7/2016 09:24:24 pm
Wonder if Trump will oppose helping Germans if they haven't paid enough money to NATO?
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Robert Weller
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Worked in journalism, including on the Internet, for more than 40 years. Started as a news editor at the Colorado Daily at the University of Colorado, joined a small Montana newspaper, the Helena Independent-Record, and then United Press International. Archives
November 2016