![]() Hunt supporters, led by Tim Bonner, CEO of the Countryside Alliance, are waging war on hunt saboteurs. Their latest modus operandi is to try to change the law to prevent sabs from effectively sabotaging illegal hunts by attacking their right to cover their faces in public. A vitriolic and one-sided spiel against the sabs in the Mail Online on the 6th March gave pro hunt Victoria Prentice, MP for Banbury, a platform from which to explain her plan to discuss hunt sabs and face coverings during the debate on the Police and Crime Bill in the Commons. It is not currently illegal to cover one’s face in public, but Ms Prentis omitted to mention that the pro hunt supporters also avail themselves of this right whenever they intend to commit acts of vandalism or inflict personal injuries onto those who are against their cruel form of entertainment. Ms Prentis told The Mail on Sunday: ‘It is simply not acceptable that extremists can carry out harassment and assaults without fear of identification or prosecution.’
The only thing that kept my rage to heel was the overpowering admiration for the way that hunt monitor (a small-statured, inoffensive and kind woman) kept her poise, her dignity and her absolutely unshakeable courage in the face of such treatment from a bunch of baying morons who sought to intimidate her. She was nothing less than awesome as she stood strong, kept a reasoned tone, and took that treatment in the knowledge that it was the price of perhaps saving a fox that day. It is humbling.”
Week in week out, brave people like that woman, are assaulted and threatened. The thugs on horseback and their brutal followers are emboldened by the indifference of the police to illegal hunting. They are not afraid of confrontation because they know the police usually believe their lies and the Courts rarely offer any punitive incentives for them to obey the law. There is an army of lawyers who specialise in hunting law waiting to use the loopholes in the hunting Act to get them off, and pro hunting MPs like Victoria Prentis are always waiting in the wings for any opportunity to argue a case against the thin line of saboteurs who are all that stand between pain, fear and death for British wildlife. The Countryside Alliance, that mouthpiece for all that is wrong in the British countryside, has the ear of many Tory MPs so that justice is rarely seen to be done. Hunting brutality and hunters hiding behind face masks is nothing new to the saboteurs however. The savagery of the blood sports fraternity and the beatings have been going on for decades. As long ago as 1995 well before the hunting Act, balaclava-clad thugs at the Crawley and Horsham Foxhunt in Sussex smashed a saboteur van's windscreen. Meanwhile at the Cattistock Foxhunt in Somerset, Alistair Jackson, the southeast region press spokesman of the British Field Sports Society (BFSS), was arrested after punching a saboteur to the ground. The list is endless stretching back over countless times. Lee Moon spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association said, ‘Hunters head out with the intention of illegally chasing and killing wildlife and when their efforts are thwarted they take their frustrations out on those who have stopped them. Violence against sabs has been going on for decades but as the hunts know it doesn't deter us, rather it makes us more determined to get out there and stop them killing.’ Reluctant heroes who do not ask for fame. We must support our saboteurs because it seems the establishment will do nothing to protect our precious wild life. You have until March 18, 2016 to sign this petition - Time to strengthen the Hunting Act Check out Video of Atherstone steward simulating sex with a dead goose http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/local-news/warning-disturbing-video-shows-atherstone-10111039 Cotswold hunter on a horse attacking a sab https://www.facebook.com/3CHuntSabs/?fref=ts&ref=br_tf 15 year old assaulting saboteurs https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=video+atherstone+hunt+attacking+monitor&qpvt=video+atherstone+hunt+attacking+monitor&view=detail&mid=B1D580A012116A6D48BCB1D580A012116A6D48BC&FORM=VRDGAR Hunt Saboteurs Association (warning graphic images of mutilated animals) http://www.huntsabs.org.uk/index.php?catid=0&id=208
Animal mattersCountry lover, amateur naturalist and fox lover fighting to preserve the ban on hunting Archives
September 2016